Friday, September 5, 2008

The Power of a Blog.

The exchange of information is a very powerful thing.

Communication is changing greatly as we reach out and connect more than ever before. I have always been skeptical of the blog world. I believe the name seems a little funny and abstract.

As I start my adult life I am noticing a trend that is around me more and more. The blog. After watching the world of politics of the last 3 weeks I never realize the power of a blog until last night. A young man in college predicted that Sarah Palin would become the running mate for Senator McCain. (The information was brought to light to me by Jon Stewart...) This is amazing that there is potential that this young man's thoughts posted in cyber space might have caused a chain reaction. Regardless of political views this is a lot of power to put in the hands of bored college kids.

This is an amazing way to network, share thoughts or ideas. Building Brand is another thing blog are useful for. Brainstorming with others. Sometimes answers to problems seem so clear to someone who has never looked for them before. Including different people on decisions, topics, general thoughts, is a great way to make sure you staying well rounded and have a strong hand on what is going on in the world around you.

So I guess, finally, I am sold. Welcome to my blog.

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